Typee Herman Melville

Typee - Herman Melville
Автор: Мелвилл Герман
Редактор: Краснова И.
Издательство: Т8, 2018 г.
Серия: Original
  • Научный редактор: Архипцев Платон Владиленович
  • Верстка: Пламадил Лаврентий Дорофеевич
  • Корректор: Рахубовский Евгений Димитриевич
  • Объем: 515
  • Формат: fb2, pdf,txt

Аннотация "Typee"
Herman Melville (1819-1891) was an American poet and novelist of the American Renaissance, best known for his allusive adventure novel "Moby-Dick". Mysterious and unpredictable, the "Pierre: or, The Ambiguities" contains all the good and intriguing features of the Gothic iction genre. "Typee" is one of the most famous and critically acclaimed traveling adventures of the nineteenth century. It is a semi-autobiographical story of the Melville's Polynesian travels, an examination of nature, people and their relationships, and an extensive exploration of exotic rituals. Книга Typee Herman Melville.

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